The Monmouth Whisky Club invites you to take part in our adventure through the world of whisky. Whether you love Bourbon, Scotch, Rye, or other Whiskies you will find like-minded individuals in The Monmouth Whisky Club.
The Monmouth Whisky Club is composed of friends from all walks of life who appreciate whisky. Some will have been tasting for years, while for others this will be their first experience.
The Monmouth Whisky Club gathers every month to enjoy and share Scotch, Bourbon, and all other variations of Whisky. Our meetings are varied, some will be in members’ homes while others will be held at local restaurants or pubs.
Some of the meetings will include industry guests, educational sessions on distilleries, history, trivia, and other fun aspects on the topic of whisky. On occasion we will also take the Club on the road to local distilleries!
Membership in the Club includes:
*Additional costs may apply. Costs may include distillery admission fees, whisky flight costs, etc.
Membership is $75 (prorated quarterly) to help cover costs including the member’s custom glass and bottles, supplies for the tastings, and administrative costs for items such as the website, banking fees, speakers, and printing. Membership includes spouses, however, additional costs for tastings and special events may apply. Membership is annual and renewal is $50 per year due each January.
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